Monday, May 15, 2006

Batman Surprise

My older sister Amanda's son Aidan turned three last week. Anyone who knows Aidan knows that he is one special kid. He loves Batman, as you can see he even sports the Batman clothing line. For a few weeks before his Birthday his Mom and I arranged for Batman to come to Aidan's birthday party, but only if he started to go pee pee in the potty. We made a few phone calls to the Batline and had Aidan talk to Batman in anticipation of his birthday party. Batman told Aidan he would only come to the party if Aidan went pee pee and poo poo in the potty. Well, Aidan did start using the potty and he talked about Batman and his birthday party for weeks until finally the day came. Aidan's party was at my house, we had a Batman cake and everything. About half way through, Batman really did arrive at the door for Aidan's party. Aidan was in awe. He hardly believed his eyes, he really believed it was Batman. When it was time for Batman to go and get back to fighting crime, he made a extravagent exit, leeping from the balcony with his cape flowing in the wind and all. Aidan was left with his mouth wide open and feeling content that truly Batman had just come to his party. It was a day to remember. Batman's true identity still is not yet known, although I saw something in his eyes that looked remarkably familiar. Poor Joseh missed seeing Batman, he mysteriously disapeared just before Batman arrived. Hmmmm....


The Maddens said...

BATMAN, that is so awesome! I wish Taylar liked Batman so I could mysteriously disspear. With my luck I will have to dress up as Dora the Explorer or Boots.

M. said...

Haa! that is awesome :) Poor kid in later life, i am sure you will mock him for believing it... or Joseph for doing it?!

The Maddens said...

where is the new update? And I was wondering also. Did Joseph get to keep the outfit. If so, I bet that is fun for you guys. If you know what I mean? ;-)

The Maddens said...

Batman still? You better be in the hospital having that baby of yours.

The Maddens said...

Did you computer break down or what? Get rolling you half bloggers.

Growing Up

Growing Up