Tuesday, February 08, 2011

These Two are to Blame!

Since I've been home it has been my pleasure to spend some time with these two adorable creatures.
My Niece Stella
My other Niece Layla
I thought it was going to take me a LONG time to talk myself into having another baby (like maybe NEVER). Not that my two are horrible, in fact they are wonderful. It's just that having them so close was a little traumatic and the added stress of being in school and living in the wonderful state of Iowa didnt help either. Somehow though, lately, I've been having those "baby" thoughts. I never thought this was possible and when I have the thoughts I get a little irritated because I know what having a baby means...9 months of torture plus no sleep, getting NOTHING done and a complete sacrifice of myself. Plus, now that I've had two I would require myself to do it perfectly this time..make no mistakes because I'm experienced now, I should know what I am doing..right? I'm blaming these baby thoughts on these two. I mean look at them..They are adorable! Plus their little personalities are just darling. I can't help but want one. Dang cute kids, I gotta stop hanging out with them:) Anyone got a colicky baby I can hang around for a few days?


Tiffany said...

Look at those beautiful brown eyes!! How could you not want another baby with these two. :) I hope you guys are well and happy.

The Chan Clan said...

Oh Robyn, you got those baby feelings. (o: I feel like I just caught up with you, but dang it seems like a lot has happened since last we chatted. Give me a ring whenever you get a chance....


Growing Up

Growing Up